Saturday 19 December 2015


NAMAZ FOR THE SICK If a person due to illness cannot stand and pray Namaz then they should sit and pray Namaz. Whilst seated he should perform Rukooh by leaning far forward and pray 'Subhana Rabbial Azueem' and then sit back up straight and then go into Sijdah as normal. If he is not able to pray Namaz whilst being seated then he should lay down and pray.
The method is to lay down flat and point the feet towards Qibla and keep the knees up and keep a pillow underneath the head so that the face is pointing towards Qibia and the head is higher than the rest of the body. To perform Rukooh and Sijdah by actions, for the Sijdah lean the head completely forward and for the Rukooh lean the head slightly forward. In the same way Namaz can also be prayed lying on your left or right side.
When can an ill person miss Namaz. ?
Rule:When an ill person cannot even move his head then the Namaz is forgiven and there is no need to use the eyes to perform the actions or eyebrows or to pray with an intention only in the heart. If six Namaz pass like this then there is no need to perform Qaza as this is also forgiven and there is no need for Fidya (monetary compensation). If the time like this is less than six Namaz then Qaza is obligatory even if the health is only a little better that the person can now move his head to perform the actions [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Bahar etc.].
Rule: If an ill person is in a state whereby he cannot keep count of the Rakats and Rukoohs or Sijdahs then there is no need for him to perform Namaz on time [Durr-e-Mukhtar etc.].
Rule: To stand in all Farz Namaz, Witr, Eid Namaz and the Sunnats of Fajr is obligatory and if Namaz is prayed whilst sitting down without genuine reason then the Namaz will not count [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Radd-ul-Mohtar].
Rule: Because the Qayam is Farz therefore without a genuine religiously recognised reason it cannot be missed, otherwise the Namaz will not count. Upto the extent that if you can lean on a stick, servant or wall then it is Farz to do this and if you can only stand for a small amount of time like whilst saying Allaho Akbar in Takbeer-e-Tahrimah then it is Farz to start the Namaz whilst standing and then sit down afterwards otherwise the Namaz will not count.
If you have a slight headache or flu or a cold or a small wound where people can walk about, is in no way a reason to pray the Namaz whilst being seated and if you have done so then it has not counted and you must pray Qaza for them [Guniya, Bahar-e-Shariat]. Rule: If a person leaks drops of urine or blood if he stands and doesn't if he sits then it is Farz for him to pray whilst seated as long as there is no other way of stopping his illness.
Rule: A person is so weak that if he goes to the mosque to pray the Namaz with Jamaat then he will have to sit down and pray Namaz, but if he remains at home then he can pray the Namaz standing, then it is Farz for him to pray the Namaz at home with Jamaat if possible otherwise alone [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Radd-ul-Mohtar].
Rule: If an ill person prays whilst standing then he cannot pray the Quran at all and if he prays whilst seated he can pray the Quran, then it is Farz for him to pray whilst sitting down and if he can pray a little bit of the Quran whilst standing then it is Farz to pray as much as he can whilst standing and then the remainder whilst seated [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Radd-ul-Mohtar].
Rule: If a blanket is put underneath the ill person praying Namaz and it has become impure but if you were to change it, it will become impure' again then continue to pray the Namaz on the original blanket and if the blanket is changed then the new blanket will not become as impure as quickly but by changing the blanket it will cause great distress to the ill person then do not change it [Alamgiri, Durr-e-Mukhtar, Radd-ul-Mohtar, Bahar].
Rule: If a person is drowning and he can gain support from a stick then it is Farz for him to pray the Namaz as long as Amar-e-Kasir is not performed and if he does not pray and he survives then he must perform Qaza [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Radd-ul-Mohtar, Bahar].

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