Saturday 19 December 2015

The Anatomy of MEHFIL-E-MILAD For Munkir-e-Milad (II)

Naat-e-Rasul is a way to praise our beloved prophet in the form of poetry or rhymes. Reading Naat gives heart burns to the Munkir-e-Milad and once again they show their animosity against Naat by calling Naat Khawah Mushrik and Bidatti etc.
Let see how Quran-ul-Hakeem praises the Sahib-e-Quran , therefore we find the following verses in the honor and praise of Muhammad Mustufa in the Holy Quran:
"And We have exalted for you your remembrance" (Surah Al-InShirah, V-4)
"Undoubtedly, Allah and His Angels send blessings on the prophet the communicator of unseen news, O you who believe! Send upon him blessings and salute him fully well in abundance" (Surah Al-Ahzab, V-56)
"I have sent you as a blessing for the whole Universe" (Quran Surah #21:107)
"The Prophet is nearer to his lovers (momin) than their own souls" (Quran Surah #33:6)
"He who obeys the Messenger, indeed he obeys Allah" (surah: Nisa, verse:80)
"We have indeed in the Apostle of God a beautiful pattern (conduct) for any one whose hope is in God and the final Day" (Surah: Al-Ahzab, verse:21)
"Many a time I (Almighty) have seen, you turn your face towards sky. I will make you turn towards a qiblah (direcetion) that will please you" (Quran Surah #2:144)
"He stood on the uppermost horizon; then drawing near; and was at a distance of but two bows' length or even closer" (Quran Surah #53:7-9)
"Allah did confer a great favour on the believers when He sent among them an Apostle from among themselves." (Quran Surah #33:56)
"Raise not your voice above the voice of the Prophet. Lest your labours should come to nothing without your knowledge" (Quran Surah #49:2)
"Whatever the Apostle gives you accept it; and whatever he forbids you, refrain from. And fear Allah, for Allah is strict in punisment"(Quran Surah al-Hashr)
My dear muslims these are the few verses from the Quran where Allah Ta'ala honors and praises His most beatiful creation Muhammad . The Quran is full of such Praises and honors for Rasulallah (salallahoalaihewasalam). There are several hadees where Rasulallah (salallahoalaihewasalam) himself ordered Hasan bin Thabit to read poetry in his praise.
I wonder what munkir-e-Milad would be thinking of Allah Ta'ala and Rasulallah now?, but we the lover of Rasulallah (salallahoalaihewasalam) believe that praising anybody within the boundary of Shariah is in fact indirectly praising Allah Ta'ala who is the creator of all universe. The example is like that if somebody praises a building for its beautiful construction that means indirectly he is also praising the people who were behind this construction i.e. the architect, the designer, the builder etc
. If praising somebody is sin or bid'at or shirk then (God forgive) every one of us is committing this sin by praising one's father, mother, son, daughter, teacher, leader or anybody in any aspect. Finally if Munkir-e-Milad proves where in Quran Allah has drawn a line for praising His prophet , we will stop there but instead Quran said about Rasulallah "And We have exalted for you your remembrance" (Surah Al-InShirah, V-4) When Allah Ta'ala raises the remembrance of prophet Muhammad then who on Earth has power to lower it.
CONCLUSION My dear Muslim brothers and sisters, the above explanation from Quran and Hadees for each component of the Mehfil-e-Milad clearly proves that holding such kind of gathering is not against Islam but actually it is accordance to the very spirit of Islam where Muslim brothers and sisters get to gather and listen words of Allah Ta'ala and His habib (salallahoalaihewasalam).
In the same token other gatherings like Shab-e-Barat , Shab-e-Meraj , Shab-e-Qadar , Geewarwhee-Shareef etc where speeches on Allah and His messenger (salallahoalaihewasalam) are given are gathering of khair (virtues) and should be attended by all Muslims.

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