Sunday 7 February 2016

Hadhrat Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani(May Allah be well pleased with him) - Life and Teachings - Part 5

Hadhrat Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani(May Allah be well pleased with him) - Life and Teachings

A miracle of Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him)

Hadhrat Shaykh Ul Islam Imam Muhammad Anwaarullah Farooqui (May Allah shower His mercy on him), the founder of Jamia Nizamia has written a chapter in Maqasid Ul Islam, Vol. 6 with the name, “The Sultanate of Hadhrat Ghouse Us Saqalain (May Allah shower His mercy on him).”  He has described a miracle of Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam in this chapter.

Butrus Bustani, an instructor in Daairatul Maarif has related that a person came to Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) and said:  One of my girls climbed on to the terrace of the house and vanished from there.  Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) said:  Tonight you go to “Karkh” and sit near the 5th mound and draw a circle around yourself with the words:  Bismillahi ‘Ala Niyyati ‘Abdil Qadir.  When it grows dark, various groups of genies with pass by you.  Don’t get frightened looking at their frightening faces.  Close to dawn, their king will come with a large army and will ask you what your need is.  Tell him that ‘Abdul Qadir has sent me and relate the incident of your daughter as well.

That person went to that place and followed the instructions given to him.  When the king of the genies asked him, he said:  I have been sent by Shaykh ‘Abdul Qadir Jilani (May Allah be well pleased with him).  Immediately, the king got down from his horse, kissed the ground, sat outside the circle and asked him why he had come. When this person related what had happened to his daughter, the king turned to his companions and said:  Immediately arrest the person who has done this.  Thus, a genie was brought with whom my daughter was also there.  The king ordered that the genie be executed, returned my daughter to me and bade me go.

After writing this incident, Hadhrat Shaykh Ul Islam (May Allah shower His mercy on him) writes:

Translation: This shows the knowledge of the genies as well that the circle was drawn in Karkh and in spite of the distance the king learnt it as he traveled the whole night and reached the circle close to dawn which was drawn with the intention of the Shaykh.  This shows the power of Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) that his authority over the genies was such that if a circle was drawn with the intention of the Shaykh, the king of genies himself came there and expressed his respect.  (Maqasid Ul Islam, Pg. No. 169/170)

Passing away

After spreading both Shariah and Tariqah for 40 years, the time had come when Ghouse-Ul-Azam, the Emperor of the Saints, the Pole of the world should, as per the promise of Allah Most High, pass through the doors of death and enter the presence of Allah Most High.

Two narrations have been mentioned in regard to the passing away of Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him).

The second one is the night of 10th Rab’ee Thani, 561 Hijri. or 1166 A.D.

His last rites were performed the same night.  His eldest son Hadhrat Abdul Wahab (May Allah shower His mercy on him) lea the funeral Salaat of the Shaykh.  The crowd was such that they had to close the door of the Madarsa, where the Shaykh was interred.

On every 11th, the kings and the elite of the city would offer their respects to Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him).  They would congregate on the shrine of the Shaykh. They would recite the Holy Quran, recite poetry of the Shaykh without any musical instruments.  After Salaat Ul Maghrib, all the disciples would sit around the grave and the leader of the group would stand and perform remembrance of Allah in a loud voice. Here, some people would be overcome with ecstasy.  After this, whatever food or sweet was brought would be distributed among those present.  The people would leave after offering the Salaat of Isha.

Gyarwhin Shareef is nothing but Isaal E Thawab (gifting of reward). The date for this has not been decided by the Shariah.  It is up to the people. That is why, in the whole year, whenever the Ahle Sunnah perform any Isaale-E-Thawab, they call it Gyarwhin Shareef.

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