Sunday 7 February 2016

Hadhrat Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani(May Allah be well pleased with him) - Life and Teachings - Part 10

Hadhrat Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani(May Allah be well pleased with him) - Life and Teachings

Shaykh Isa (May Allah shower His mercy on him)

The year of his birth is not known.  He learnt under his father and from Abul Hasan Bin Zarma (May Allah shower His Mercy on him). Earlier in Baghdad and after the passing away of his father, he taught students and issued Fatwa in Egypt as well.  His addresses were very well attended.  He passed away in 573 Hijri. i.e., 1178.

Shaykh Abu Bakr Aziz (May Allah shower His mercy on him)

He was born in 532 Hijri, which corresponds to 1138.  He took knowledge from his father and from Ibn Mansoor ‘Abdur Rahman. He participated in the battle of ‘Asqalan.  He passed away in 602 Hijri. i.e. 1205 A.D.

Shaykh Abdul Jabbar (May Allah shower His mercy on him)

He took knowledge from his father, Abul Mas’ud and others.  He took the path of the Sufiya.  He always stayed in the company of the people of the heart.  He passed away in 575 Hijri. i.e. 1180 A.D. while he was quite young.

Shaykh Abdur Razzaq (May Allah shower His mercy on him)

He was born in 528 Hijri, which corresponds to 1134 A.D.  He took knowledge from his father, Abul Hasan bin Zarma and other scholars of the time.  He was a Mufti, a expert in Hadith and a great orator.  A large number of scholars benefited through him.  He passed away in 603 Hijri. i.e. 1207 A.D.

Shaykh Muhammad (May Allah shower His mercy on him)

He passed away in 593 Hijri, i.e. 1197 A.D. He was the Hadith-expert of his age.  Apart from them, Shaykh Abdullah, Shaykh Yahya, who is the youngest son of Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah shower His mercy on him) Shaykh Moosa and many others, may Allah shower His mercy on all of them.

Some sayings of the Shaykh

O people!  Islam is crying.  It is asking for protection against those who break its laws, the misguided and those who lay false claims and is begging (for help).  See those who have passed before you! They used to argue with the rules of Islam, they used to eat and drink.  Now it is as if they were never there.

How hard-hearted you are!  A dog works for its master with full sincerity, although the master feeds it a few morsels at night.  You fill your stomach with the bounties of Allah Most High and still disobey him!

The walls of the religion of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) are falling, its foundations are shaking.  Come!  O dwellers of earth!  Let us build what has fallen!

Hand over yourself to Allah Most High as the Saints did, then His mercy will be yours as it was theirs.  If you desire that Allah Most High should be yours, then follow His rules, have patience in His proximity, be happy with His decisions, irrespective of whether they are about you or others.

Allah Most High has taken endearing attributes for Himself.  You try to override them and oppose His rules!  Our Lord is Allah is on the ‘Arsh as He has said without any example, metaphor and without any (physical) body.

“Allah” is Ism-E-Azam provided when saying it there is nothing in your heart other than Allah Most High.

A person with faith should first perform the obligatory acts (Faraidh), then complete the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), then busy oneself in supererogatory acts (Nafl). To perform supererogatory deeds the obligatory ones is foolishness.

In previous times, people used to roam the world in search of doctors of the heart and when they found them, they used to request their help for their religion.  Today, you have enmity with the scholars, the Jurists and the Saints.  The result is that you have no medicine for your religion.

You should not be in company of those scholars who do not follow what they preach.  Do not listen to what they say, they feed their base selves.  May Allah Most High clean the land of them and all such hypocrites and guide them towards repentance and towards His door.

When a worshipper is seated on the station of monotheism and sincerity, then sometimes things are created for him and he enters the Takween of Allah Most High and sometimes, Takween is handed over to him.

Those who desire the hereafter should be indifferent towards this world.  The one who desires Allah Most High should be indifferent towards the hereafter as well.  Leave this world for the hereafter and leave hereafter for your Lord.

O son!  Clean your heart through Halaal food, you will gain the gnosis (Ma’arifah) of Allah Most High.  You keep your morsel, your clothes and your heart clean, you will be granted cleanliness.

The eyes of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) would be resting and His heart would be awake.  He (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) would see in the front and behind His back in the same way.  Every person’s wakefulness is according to that person’s state.  Nobody can reach the state of wakefulness of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and neither can anyone share from His characteristics.  Yes, the Saints of His Ummah and theAbdaal (elite saints) have His leftover food and water.  They are granted a drop out of His stations and a grain of sand out of His mountains as they are His followers, they act upon His religion; serve it and spread His religion and His Shariah.

Fly to the presence of the Lord with the wings of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah.  Enter the court of the Lord in such a state that your hand is in the hand of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam).  Take the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) as the Vizier of Allah Most High and your teacher.  The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) will beautify you and present you in the court of Allah Most High.  He (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) orders the souls, nurtures the disciples, is the leader of those who are seated on the station of love, is the Imam of the Saints and distributes spiritual states (Ahwaal) and stations (Maqamaat) among them.  He is everybody’s leader.  It is the custom that whenever an army is given robes of honor, they are given through the leader only.

To Be Continue.....

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