Sunday 7 February 2016

Hadhrat Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani(May Allah be well pleased with him) - Life and Teachings - Part 9

Hadhrat Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani(May Allah be well pleased with him) - Life and Teachings

The miracles of the Shaykh

All the historians agree that the miracles expressed by Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) were innumerable in number.  Shaykh Ul Islam ‘Izz bin Abdus Salam (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) and Imam Ibn Taimiyya say that the miracles of Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam have reached the limits of Tawatur (so famous that they can neither be denied nor doubted).  Among all his miracles, the greatest one is the revival of dead hearts.

Once, there was such a flood in the river Euphrates that Baghdad was in danger of being washed away.  People came to Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) and requested him for help.  He took a stick with him and went to the bank of the river.  He planted the stick into the ground and said: O river! Stay till here!  The water receded.

A group of Rawafidh came to Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) with 2 baskets and asked the Shaykh to tell them what was in those baskets.  The Shaykh replied: In this, there is a handicapped child.  The basket was opened and the child was taken out.  Then the Shaykh ordered the child to stand.  The child not only stood but started running and playing.  The Shaykh said: In the other, there is a healthy child. That child was taken out. He started playing and running about.  Hadhrat Shaykh (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) ordered the child to sit down.  The child sat down and could not stand again.  On seeing this, the whole group of Rawafidh repented.

A lady came to the Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) and saw that the Shaykh was having a dish of chicken.  She told him: You eat chicken and make my child eat dry bread?  The Shaykh put his hand on the bones of the chicken and said: Get up by the command of Allah Most High!  The chicken came back to life and started chirping.  The Shaykh told the lady: When your child reaches this stage, he is free to eat whatever he wants to. Meaning that this period is of learning and striving against the base self (Nafs).

The progeny of the Shaykh

Like other rewards, Allah Most High has also rewarded Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) with abundance of progeny.  His son Hadhrat ‘Abdur Razzaq (May Allah shower His mercy on him) says: My father had 27 sons and 22 daughters.

Imam Suharwardi (May Allah shower His mercy on him) says: Some virtuous people asked Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah shower His mercy on him) as to why did he marry?  He said: I had not married until the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) had not ordered me to marry.

All his sons had no parallel in piety, knowledge and realization of Allah Most High.  For the sake of blessings, some of his sons are being mentioned here:
Shaykh Abdul Wahhab (May Allah shower His mercy on him)

He was born in 522 Hijri, which corresponds to 1128 A.D. He took knowledge from his father and other scholars of the time. He passed away in 593 Hijri i.e. 1197 A.D.

To Be Continue.

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