Sunday 7 February 2016

Hadhrat Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani(May Allah be well pleased with him) - Life and Teachings - Part 8

Hadhrat Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani(May Allah be well pleased with him) - Life and Teachings

Why Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) is also known as “Muhiyuddeen”

Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah shower His mercy on him) himself describes the reason for this title.  He says: I was coming to Baghdad barefooted that I met a person who was very weak and was on the very threshold of death.  He addressed me by my name and asked me to come closer.  When I went closer, he asked me to support him.  Before my very eyes that person’s body started becoming healthy.  His face became fresh and bright.  I got frightened seeing this.  He asked me: Do you know who I am?  I expressed my lack of knowledge.  He said: Anad Deen!  I am the religion of Islam.  I was near death.  Allah Most High granted me life through you.  I left that person and came to the grand mosque.  Here a person met me and clutched my shoes and addressed me as “Ya Sayyidi Ya Muhiyuddin.”  Then when I started praying, people came from all sides and started kissing my hands and addressing me as "Ya Muhiyuddin."  Before this nobody had called me with this title.

(Qalaidul Jawahir, Pg No: 57, Bahjatul Asrar, 54, 55, Khazeenatul Asfiya, Vol. 1, Pg No: 94, Nuzhatul Khawatir Pg No: 51, Safeenatul Auliya, Pg No: 61)

The speeches of the Shaykh

Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) used to address people 3 days in a week, the morning of Friday, evening of Tuesday and morning of Sunday.  The custom was that first a Qari would recite the Holy Quran.  After this, Hadhrat Ghouse -Ul-Azam would address the people.  Sometimes Syed Mas’ud Hashmi used to recite the Holy Quran, sometimes others.  The recitation used to be in a plain style.

Once in the course of an address, Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him)said: I saw the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam).  He (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said: Son! Why don’t you address people?  I entreated: I am a non-Arab. How can I talk before the eloquent people of Arab?  The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) granted me His blessed saliva 7 times and said: Address people and through good talk and wisdom, invite them to our Lord.  Then I offered the Salaat Ul Zuhr and sat.  There was crowd of people and I was shivering.  Then I saw that Hadhrat Ali (May Allah be well pleased with him) was seated there.  He granted me his saliva 6 times.  I entreated: Why did you not complete the number of 7?  He said: Out of respect for the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam).

Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him)says: In the early days, I used to be so overwhelmed with speech and address that staying quiet was out of my power.  There used to 2 or 3 people who used to listen to me.  I kept addressing people, then the number of people increased so much that the place was not enough.  Then I started addressing people in the ‘Eidgah.  Even that was not enough, then I started addressing them in an open plain outside the city and each session was attended by nearly 70,000 people.

Four hundred people used to write the words of Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him).  When the Shaykh would to take the chair, he would address people through different sciences and His awe was such that there used to a deafening silence.  Then he would say: The talk about words is over (Qaal). Now we will talk about state (Haal).  On this, there would a upheaval in the conditions of the audience.  Some would start crying, some would be overcome with convulsion-like movements. Someone would sway in ecstasy and someone else would tear his clothes and run towards the jungle and there would be people who would be so affected by His address that their souls would break out of the cage of their bodies.  In short, there would be no one who would not be affected.

Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) says: On my hands, more than 5000 Jew and Christians have repented and embraced Islam.  The number of robbers and other such people who were neck-deep in disobedience of Allah Most High who repented on my hands is more than a 1 lakh.  In every session, some Jew or Christian would embrace Islam, dacoits, murderers, other criminals and people of the wrong beliefs would repent.

Hadhrat Shaykh normally addressed people in Arabic.  Sometimes, he would address people in Persian also.  For this reason, he is called Dhul Bayanain Wal Lisanain (Lit. The One who combines 2 languages).  It was a miracle of Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam that irrespective of the distance, people would hear him in the same way.
To Be Continue....

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